
At Henkel, we are here to empower your success through innovation, collaboration, and dedicated support. We operate 166 production sites in 56 countries worldwide, invest in research and development, maintain close cooperation with our suppliers, and contribute to economic development in our target markets. With our globally aligned portfolio of LOCTITE products, we can ensure uniformity and availability in all major regions. Combined with locally available support, we can equip our Danish customers with support and solutions tailored to your specific needs including process set-up, assembly evaluation and documentation, training, and troubleshooting. 

LOCTITE® is the world’s leading brand for adhesives, sealants, and surface treatments. With breakthrough technology, we provide solutions that deliver on our goals providing more efficient adhesives that are durable, strong, and long-lasting to unlock the limitless potential of man and machine. Learn more about our expansive product portfolio for the most demanding industry applications.

Med vores brede portefølje kan du være sikker på, at alle sider af din produktion og vedligeholdelse er dækket fuldt ud. Se fire af vore bedst sælgende kategorier, der alle omfatter sundheds- og sikkerhedsvenlige alternativer:

Omfattende oversigt over klæbemidler

  • LOCTITE Anaerobics: Robust limløsninger hvor traditionel lim kommer til kort. Udviklet til at hærde når luftens ilt udelukkes mellem to veltilpassede metalflader og udfylder hulrummet og skaber stærke, pålidelige sammenklæbninger i samlinger med gevind, cylindriske samlinger og andre anvendelser metal-til-metal. Fra fastgørelse af komponenter til gevindsikring, du er altid sikker på, at dine samlinger er sikre.
  • LOCTITE Hurtiglim: Når du har behov for hurtig og varig binding. Disse alsidige lime er udviklet til at skabe stærke bindinger på et bredt spektrum af materialer, herunder plastik, gummi og metaller. Deres hurtige hærdning sikrer en kort produktionscyklus uden at gå på kompromis med styrke eller holdbarhed.
  • LOCTITE Gevindtætningsmidler: Forebygger lækage og sikrer gevindsamlinger. Disse tætningsmidler er udviklet til at opfylde kravene fra forskellige brancher og yde en pålidelig tætning mod væsker, gasser og kemikalier. Med en usædvanlig modstand mod temperatur og tryk sikrer de en lækagefri og sikker samling og en langvarig holdbarhed, du kan stole på.

Health and Safety

Health and safety chemical products are formulated to reduce or eliminate hazardous substances or substances that might pose a risk to the health and safety of the users of the product. They enhance safety in production, application, and end-use while having no hazard pictograms on the label and none or less hazard phrases in the safety data sheet.

The chemical substances used in the health and safety products are chosen so that the products are not classified as hazardous and toxic for most of the criteria of REACH and CLP Regulation.

The manufacturing and repair industries are requiring faster and more reliable assembly and sealing of various substrate parts, combined with an increased focus on workplace safety.

With our health and safety anaerobic products, we can support you on your path to safer work conditions and with no compromise on product performance. We offer a complete health and safety range for all key applications: Threadlocking, Thread sealing, Gasketing, and Retaining.

Sustainability Ambition 2030

At Henkel, we are dedicated to driving progress toward a sustainable future. As part of our Sustainability Ambition 2030, we are actively working to create more value for our customers and society while reducing our environmental footprint. One of our key sustainability commitments is our promise to be the first global adhesives player with climate-positive operations by 2030.

We are actively supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The 17 goals represent a significant step forward in understanding the challenges and opportunities that need to be addressed to drive progress toward sustainable development.

We aim for:

  • By 2030, all of our global sites will be climate-positive.
  • 100 percent of the electricity we use will come from renewable sources.
  • We will implement state-of-the-art technologies to generate thermal energy without fossil fuels.
  • We aim for circular water use at key manufacturing sites as well as circular use of production waste material.

How We Get There

Using digital solutions and smart tech we accelerate energy efficiency and cut emissions at our sites. We will continue to install solar panels and thermal energy systems to generate our renewable power – while also purchasing green energy from local suppliers and via large-scale virtual Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs).

In addition, our teams are adopting circular approaches for managing water and waste at key sites by creating closed-loop systems and increasing recycling at our sites. To minimize our impact on the local environment we ensure that key manufacturing sites save and reuse water through process optimization and wastewater treatment.

OUR Brand promise

A partnership with LOCTITE® means going Beyond the Bond.  By providing value that goes far beyond the product. We partner with you to realize your potential and grow your business - with expertise, innovation, and superior products. From the smallest details to the biggest ambitions

  • LOCTITE® is the strategic partner that helps customers build and grow their business
  • Our pioneering spirit allows us to innovate TODAY for a better, more sustainable future
  • Innovation is how we increase efficiency and create value for our customers and our own business.
  • We have a reputation and believe in quality, reliability, and safety. Always.
  • Expertise and knowledge are the foundations of everything we do. They inspire trust.
  • Ultimately, it’s about people. Making their lives easier. More efficient. Better. Enabling people to do a better job.